What is NativeDropBoxAgent app Can I Delete it from my phone?
NativeDropBoxAgent app is the preinstalled application on your smartphone especially in Motorola smartphones. where most Motorola users do not use NativeDropBoxAgent application and sometimes this application causes you to slow down your mobile.
Can I delete NativeDropboxAgent app from My phone?
No, you can also not able to uninstall that application from your mobile Directly. But yeah by using third-party/additional software in your PC to uninstall this application or you can simply stop that in your smartphone.
Stop NativeDropBoxAgent from running on your phone.
Yes you can do that by simply below instruction
- Open the System Settings menu on your smartphone.
- In the Apps menu, you need to find NativeDropBoxAgent and then open it.
- Below you see the option of Force Stop.
- Click on that
- By clicking on that system warn you about that skip it or press force stop
- that’s it now NativeDropBoxAgent is Running more